Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Cleaning Out the Car

Fi on those proclaim clean cars are necessary! Boo! Hiss!

I was forced to do a moderate amount of clean-out in ye olde minivan today, as my DD managed to lose something in the black hole car today. I had planned to take both urchins straight to the library, to get new library books, but then DD was complaining in the car about her shoes pinching her. Hmmm. Sure enough, those little toesies were wedged tight against the toe of the shoes, so I detoured to Old Navy first for some cheapy canvas sneakers and maybe a pair of sandals for the summer.

DS was not pleased with this turn of events, and alternately fussed and wailed at me from the Ergo as I sought to keep DD still for TWO SECONDS to get another pair of shoes on. Of course, she didn't like any of the first five pairs (naturally), but the minute DS finally gave up and fell asleep, she transformed magically into Angel Child and liked everything then. Hmmmmm.

So, armed with the two pairs of shoes (the canvas ones were on clearance, wahoo!) and some cheapy onesies & sun hats for DS, I whizzed through the non-existent checkout line to discover...hmmm...where is my wallet?? Oh crap. DD, who had pushed the button for the dog about a zillion times, had now discovered the seasonal 4th of July display and was pleading her case for a miniature soccer ball. Um, ok...I know that wallet is in here somewhere...

"I seem to have left my wallet at home--I'll be right back for this, ok?" The cashier said no problem and set our stuff aside with my name on it, while I experienced a mild case of panic as to where my wallet could be. Then I remembered needing my library card to check on whether our stuff was actually overdue (it was), so it was by my computer. A quick call home to DH confirmed this, and I zipped home to leave DS with DH while I returned with DD to complete the purchase.

So we got back to the store, leaving DS asleep at home, DH working away, and all is right with the world. DD had a brand new ball which she is very pleased with, and managed to drop it twice before we reached the car. I put her in with her ball, loaded the stuff, and off we went to the library. What a pleasure that was--no double stroller necessary, just holding DD's hand and enjoying her "reading" to the library dog. Cute!!

On the way home, I hear, "Mommy, get my balllll..." I searched for it when we got home, but couldn't find it under the avalanche of toys. *shrug* I figured I would find it later.

Well, it's later--and we don't have a ball. I found a ridiculous number of clothes hangers in the car (where the heck did those come from, anyway?), snow mittens, gloves, raincoat, hats, and enough stuffed animal toys to equip FAO Schwartz. A miniature soccer ball? ZIP! Completely, utterly gone. The only thing I can figure out, is she must have tossed it out of the car when I was putting in the shopping bag and my purse. Oh well. I don't think we got $5.50 of entertainment out of it.

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