Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Saving Money to Spend Money

So I am in a trial of the Grocery Game and I am enjoying saving money on our groceries. Coupons and such are not the most exciting, but they do save you money! Yesterday I saved more than I spent, and that is a great feeling. I think the checker was somewhat grumpy since I was using several competitor's coupons and he had to enter each one manually, but hey, I wasn't going to drag the urchins to several stores for no good reason.

The problem I'm finding with saving money is that I always have something else I want to spend it on. Yes, now I am looking at our fiberglass shower in the master bedroom with distaste. It is the only thing in there that is not new, and it's completely non-functional for our shampoo storage & shaving my legs. I need a bench or ledge or SOMETHING to prop my legs on while I shave! Let me tell you, Yeti legs are so not pretty in summer shorts. And I never seem to get all the spots so I end up with these weird patches of leg hair that look like someone has glued dark fuzz to my legs (especially at the knees--gad, don't look at my knees!).

Anyway, I think we can tile it ourselves and save some money. When I mentioned this idea to DH, he said (after doubling over with laughter), "No." Hmmmmmm. I pointed out the inadequacies of what we have, and he still is saying no. However, he concedes that I am like a dog with a bone and he has a nasty feeling that he is going to be learning to use a tile saw and we are going to be ripping out our shower and tiling it.

So I save $100 on groceries and look to spend $1000 on a refurbished shower. Hmmm. Something is off there! *LOL* Well, at least a refurbed shower would prevent us needing to do a gut remodel of the bathroom as it would fix the last issue I have with the space. Yes, it's small, but that would make it perfect for our needs. So we would really be saving $20,000... ;)

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