Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Out of Touch with the Plan

I was grooving along very well with setting plans and goals for each day. Then DS started this catnapping fiasco and now I'm totally adrift. Laundry? I need to do laundry? (as I trip over a pile of dirty laundry in the hallway). Oh yeah...wait, mail! I need to sort the mail! (as I encounter a pile of unsorted mail in my laundry room...don't ask how it got there) Kids? Oh yes kids...they are kind of hard to forget, but that leads to things like diaper pail that needs emptying and maybe I can cram one...more... in there and hang on my son just spit up on me...wait I have to do the PAINTING and hang on the veggie garden is still weedy and...but...and.....

*sigh* Such is life. I NEED PLANS, PEOPLE. My days turn into an endless roulette of catch-me-if-you-can "to do's" if I don't have a PLAN that allows me to focus and ignore the rest of the crap stuff that needs to be done, too. I did start making this month's budget, some time vaguely in the past week, and it languishes as yet another "to do". I did manage to finally pay the last of the bill's from DS's birth, after being sure that our insurance is done with the round & round of claims and counter-claims. I even managed to ask the neighbor about her pediatrician, as I have decided I am dissatisfied with ours after she prescribed vitamin drops at 4 months of age for our son, who was over the 100th percentile for everything, and exclusively breastfed. Uh-huh. I mean, I am still taking prenatal vitamins for a reason here, it's to make SuperMilkTM! So why the heck would I give him vitamin drops? Never got an explanation, just was handed a prescription and left to smolder over it (especially since DD never had them and as anyone who knows us can see she is clearly wasting away... ).

ANYHOO, the point is, if I don't have a direction and focus to my day, I just wander around in circles and don't get much done. And I didn't get any reading done for my women's Bible study today either, which has not helped me focus. God is a good focus-er, you know? A little time with Him tends to clarify things for me, so missing out on that hasn't helped my mood. Plus, DH worked from home today due to yesterday's Car Fiasco, as even though his car was fixed by 9:30 he was too late for a decent ferry time. And it's his busy time of the month at work (male work PMS, if you will), so I really HAD to make sure the kids were quiet and left him alone so he could get a lot done. After twelve hours of that, well, I'm done (again). I have a load of clothes in the washing machine that is mildewing, and I don't care. It's going to have to wait until tomorrow.

At least we recovered from last week's Library Fiasco, aka DD Decides to Misbehave AGAIN at the Public Library and Incur the Despotic Parent Award from the librarian. Yes, as she was screaming "Sorry Mommy! I want my booooooooooks Mommy!" and the librarian was saying, "Awwwww, she really wants her books," I was practicing my Look of Death on the librarian. Um, yes, she does, but Mommy also wants to be able to check out her books without her running away from me in a library full of people and open doors while holding my six month old infant and juggling a stack of books. So, DD got the infamous 1-2-3 countdown and then she suffered the consequences--no books! Evil, mean parent! Anyway, today she asked to go back to the library and we did, and she behaved. Go figure--consequences carried out ensures good behavior the next time! DUH! Too bad the librarian in question was not present to witness the return to civilized behavior.

*sigh* Kids! Busy husbands! Housework! Stuff! Budgets! Aaaaahhh!! This, too, shall pass...and when are they old enough for school, exactly??

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