Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Disordered Routine

I am completely at a loss here. My entire morning routine has been disrupted...it's quite odd! My DD is still sleeping, even though it's now time for her favorite TV show. I'm certainly not waking her up for it; but additionally my DS is having his first nap of the day. Weird! We forgot to grind the coffee before the kids went to bed, so I don't even have my cup of java as part of my normal morning. I made some instant coffee, but it's so bad and lukewarm--just not the same.

It's very strange to have one's established routine disrupted in this way. I can do some laundry and fold some clothes, but in essence I am just sort of waiting for DD to wake up so I can make her breakfast, get her dressed, brushed, etc. Strange how inclusive my mornings are of care for the little buggers. I don't know what to do with myself when they're both asleep in the morning! Hehe. It's a nice problem to have.

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