Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tag, You're It!

Well my friend Carol tagged me to answer these questions so I will comply as much as possible...bearing in mind that I will keep names private if I haven't mentioned them before!

1. Our names: Allison & DH
2. How long have we been married? 8 years this May
3.How long did we date? It's a long story, but it was 10 months after we met that we got engaged, and 13 months after that we were married.
4. How old are we? 32
5. Where does he work? For Siemens, which is a huuuuuuge company, a fact we particularly love when it's doing well and DH gets his Christmas bonus!
6. Who is taller? DH, by 3" or so.
7. Who eats more? We are about even, although when we're both hungry DH can outpace me easily. However, the tables turn when I am pregnant!
8. Who said I love you first? Probably me, I don't remember.
9. Who mows the lawn? DH. I am incapable of maintaining my balance on our riding lawnmower on even the mildest of slopes, because I'm just congenitally klutzy.
10. Who sings better? Probably me, due to experience in choirs, but DH has a lovely voice.
11. Who does the laundry? Me. DH pitches in from time to time, but it's mostly my bailiwick.
12. Who does the dishes? Er, well it probably breaks down to be about 60/40, with me doing it slightly more often. It varies with energy level, really.
13. Who pays the bills? I do, as I am the CFO for our little family enterprise.
14. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? DH.
15. Who cooks dinner? DH. I do on occasion but for the most part that is his gig...he does all the speedy chopping and prep that I am hopeless at.
16. Who is more stubborn? Definitely poor children probably got a healthy dose.
17. Whose parents do we see most? It's probably my parents, but we do Skype video chats with DH's parents every weekend so sometimes it feels like we see them more.
17. Who proposed? DH
18. Who has more siblings? We both have the same number of siblings, but when it comes to first cousins DH beats me handily, and then some!
19. Who has the most friends? Probably DH. Growing up in the same place, he kept all his childhood friends and added more as he grew, whereas being a military brat I didn't really keep any childhood friends into adulthood. Most of my "long term" friends are from grad school.
20. Who wears the pants? I think it's best described (for our children) as a benevolent co-dictatorship...but if a gross infraction is committed, it's Daddy who is the final arbiter.

There ya go, Carol!

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