Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Random "First of the Day" Ramblings

I wonder if, upon being woken by one's DS at 6 am, one really would melt into the floor and die for lack of coffee? Note this is a strictly rhetorical question as I have a steaming hot cup of java right here with me.

The house is cool in the mornings now, and even though it's supposed to get up into the 80s F again today, it is quite pleasant (for now) to have to put on some slipper socks to feel comfortable. Of course, I'm still wearing shorts. It's an odd time of the year.

I have decided that it is OKAY to keep kiddos in PJs until at least mid-morning. With the cool mornings and hot afternoons, I really don't want to deal with repeats of yesterday, where DS didn't nap well in the morning because he was cold...or the other day, when he whined in the afternoon because he was too hot. I categorically refuse to put him in more than one set of clothes per day, unless blow-out diapers necessitate it...I have enough laundry! So he can stay in his warm PJs until the mercury rises a bit.

If one child wakes up early and will not be entertained in your room (*cough* DS *cough*), then you can bet that the other child will be woken up early and will insist on joining you in the living room. I can see an early lunch and early naps in my future today.

As an update for any who might be interested, I have almost reached the end of the 1 skein of fun fur yarn for my first attempt at a scarf, and suffice it to say, it is faaaaaaar too short as I cast on, oh, about 3 times the stitches that the pattern called for, because it didn't look wide enough to me. Ahem. Yes, a complete failure on the first go! I think I am going to unravel it all and start again. Now that I have a better sense of what I'm doing it will hopefully go a bit better this time. Yes, that's the ticket.

And, for reasons that utterly mystify me, I decided DD's room was not "done" enough and I made a ribbon chandelier to suspend from the ceiling around her plain vanilla light fixture. I like how it turned out, even if it's not precisely what I had envisioned when I planned the project. Suffice it to say, getting graceful swoops of ribbon between two wreath frames is harder than one imagines it is. But she's happy, I'm happy, and I'm going to do a modified version for DS's room--a hot air balloon. Eventually. When I, you know, get seized by that freak "MUST CRAFT" impulse. So, probably in a year or so.

Time for breakfast!

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