Friday, September 7, 2007

My June Cleaver Day

Yesterday was a very odd day for me. If DH had seen the original "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" or "Stepford Wives" he would have been convinced I was a pod person yesterday or a Stepford wife, because he came home to a tidy kitchen (4 loads through the dishwasher!), dinner just coming out of the oven (homemade BBQ chicken pizzas, natch) and a fragrant aroma wafting through the house from the squash poundcake with caramel glaze (all homemade) that was sitting proudly on the cakestand on the dining table for dessert.

If that was it, I would not have felt like June Cleaver yesterday--maybe Rachael Ray or something, but I was actually out of the house multiple times yesterday with the children, including grocery shopping at Costco, Safeway, and a late trip to Fred Meyer in the afternoon after discovering our lone red onion had gone off. As if that weren't crazy enough, I also added to the insanity by going to Joann's to purchase the last few supplies for a craft idea for DD's room that I'd been thinking about for some time. And I used COUPONS at all places, and the kids behaved! Wahoo! DD did not attempt to tear up my coupons or list, I managed to keep them all out of DS's hands (and avoided them being drooled/chewed up).

I spent less than I saved, my children played together nicely and kept out of mischief while I was cooking and baking, and my DD even managed to crack open two eggs and help add them to the cake batter without getting any eggshells into the bowl. It was a miraculous day, which will go down in the record books in this house. Huzzah!

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