Sunday, June 10, 2007

Procrastination Station!

So we leave tomorrow on our great road trip. And the kids are chilling out, and I'm chilling out. Except, we aren't packed. At all. Not one, single, solitary thing. Buwahahahahaha! Yep, I'm kind of losing it now. And DH has gone off to find some shoes for himself, so I'm not even able to get the RV into prime "dash out and shove stuff in and dash back before DD gets her shoes on" distance. Yep, well and truly stuck.

I don't blame DH buying shoes. The poor guy is down to his work shoes, or flip flops. That's it, unless you count the gardening shoes which have a long tear in the sole so big his feet can feel the gravel when he walks on the driveway. Yeah, not wearing THOSE outside of the house. And I, of course, qualify as the bad wife, because he actually has TWO pairs of work shoes, but the black ones have sole issues as well and I haven't taken them to the cobbler to get them repaired. Yes, I said "cobbler" and no I don't mean the dessert! Man, I miss some old words...

ANYWAY, I have a nice orderly list of things to pack, but I really really really don't want to start piling crap up in a random pattern in the den. Two problems with that approach: a) DD will want to "help" and make a HUUUUUUUUUGE mess before I can get everything put into the RV, when I actually get to move it to our driveway; and b) I just cleaned up the den, gosh darn it, and I don't want to litter it up again, however temporarily it may be!

DH is going to Starbucks on his way home, detouring out of his way to return a VeggieTales DVD to the library which would otherwise be overdue and fined by the time we return. Oh, there is nothing like procrastination. He asked me what I want and I said a triple venti iced latte. Give me caffeine, baby! Otherwise I fear for my sanity tomorrow morning. Oh, and we haven't gone to Petsmart yet either, to top up the bird food before we drop her off at the vet's for boarding in our absence. Great. Another "to do". And we have to return some containers to the neighbors. And give a watering instructions list to the neighbors who will be watering our veggie garden and other essentials. get the idea.


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