Tuesday, June 26, 2007


So I am going to do something here, which is add a page counter to the blog. I get next to no comments on posts, so I would like to get some sense of whether anyone is actually, you know, READING this blog. As fun as it is to ramble to myself, it is not really a sanity saver so much as a time drain on some days.

I'm still trying to re-establish normalcy here since our little trip. DD is doing better with tantrums, and has gotten back into the swing of her normal routine. Of course, that means that DS is determined to change it up on me, and I think in addition to teething and starting solids, he is now trying to drop a nap. I was expecting it, he hung onto the 3 naps per day for longer than I thought he would. However, figuring out when his natural naptime is and then adjusting that to DD's schedule will take a few more weeks. Which means, in short order, I am cranky because DS is cranky.

He's a charming little bugger. I'm trying to get him to sleep in his swing now, and he looked over at me and gave me a huge smile and giggled. Cute kid. He's tired though, I am predicting a crash in about ten minutes.

We still have boxes all over the den. I still haven't found my cell phone. DH helpfully suggested checking it online to make sure no one is using it. Hmmmm. If I had known about that particular feature earlier this week I would have done that, TYVM. I'm pretty sure however that the battery is dead and it's hiding in some of the remaining stuff from the RV that I have yet to put away.

I'm also annoyed with myself for the state of the yard. More weeding needed! Veggie garden needs weeding! And fertilizing! Need to weed and feed back lawn! It never ends, people, I'm telling you. And I have a mountain of clean laundry which needs to be folded. It would probably help if, instead of putting folded clothes back on top of the mountain, DH actually took two minutes to put them away when we are getting ready for bed. Just a thought. Of course he is probably annoyed to come home to continual clutter.

Eyes drooping....closed...yep. He's out. DD is playing with PlayDoh and will probably do so for the next hour, so I'd better get to cleaning up our den. Oh joy. Give me a home improvement project any day over housecleaning. Yuck.

1 comment:

Stan said...

As one of your very few commenters ...

I use Technorati to keep myself apprised of whether or not people are reading my blog. (You can sign up -- free -- at, of all places, www.technorati.com.) It gives me weekly reports of traffic along with other information about the source and all. I like it.