Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dental Caries

Tomorrow morning bright and early, DS is going to be put under general anesthesia to have his eight cavities filled. *gulp* I am normally quite a relaxed person when it comes to medical procedures involving my own person, but start involving my very young children and I become a nervous nelly. In this case in particular, since our son has never had general anesthesia for anything and it worries me, you know? Similiar to the time for ear tubes...very routine...about one hour...all very reassuring to the rational brain, not so very reassuring to the emotional brain. I know lots of moms whose kids have been under general anesthesia, so they are helpful with their support. Still, it's the first time for one of my babies, and well, I'm nervous.

So keep him in your prayers tonight & tomorrow, please? And myself & DH, who will be nervous together in the waiting room. Thanks.


Melissa said...

Allison, we'll be praying for your DS and for you guys as well tomorrow! Let us know how it goes.


Simply Shannon said...

I'll be thinking about you!
Just prepare yourself for the waking up part- that's the worst!