Saturday, March 1, 2008

Why My House Will Always Be Cluttered

I got up this morning somewhat grumpily after a poor night's sleep, and after imbibing the appropriate amount of coffee I have started to clean up around the house. I know, it seems like I am perpetually cleaning up around the house in this blog, and that's because I am. Two children plus two clutterbug adults equals a perpetually untidy house.

So I have reassembled our sleeper sofa in the den with the slipcover and cushions just so, which means I have put away all of the coats that were littered on top of it. This is the hazard of having a large piece of furniture right by the door where were come in--far handier than the coat closet near the front door.

Anyway, that is looking quite neat, and I hung up our spring flag outside (having finally found it in a box in the cottage), and I refilled the birdfeeders and brought in the newspaper. Ah! Then I started to clean up the kitchen counter. I have thrown away innumerable art projects from DD's school, and only at DH's insistence have I saved some of her practice letter pages. And that is what killed the cleaning impulse. Now I have to find a PLACE to put them. Which means finding the child nostalgia file I've started for DD. Now where did I put that? In the blue file box? No? In the desk? Oh dear, the desk is overflowing with papers...better not look in there...there lie dragons! In the marble sidetable (which is really an old dresser we've repurposed to that use in the dining room)? No, I don't think it would be in there...

You see, I've stopped now. The computer is right by that table, and DH was tapping away on his laptop so I thought I'd just pop on and check my email, and catch up on a few blogs...and here we are. He should never have told me to stop throwing things away, because who knows when I'll start again?? Wish me luck, I don't know if that countertop is going to be cleared today!

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