Monday, March 17, 2008

And the Sippy Cup Is Where?

I spent a good part of my morning hunting for a missing sippy cup, (mostly) full of chocolate milk. DS woke up on the wrong side of the crib this morning, and Mr. Grumpypants saw fit to eschew his breakfast banana, plus overturn the kiddy table in the living room, and in a final fit of capriciousness, to hide his sippy cup from me. Fourteen months old and already mischievous--this is not a good sign.

I did not want to wake up this morning at 6:30 am, but DS thought it was a perfect time to wake up. Let us hope this is not the end of the blissful slumber until 7:30 am that was wrought by the clock change last week. DS' diaper had leaked and his PJs were wet, so I gave up and changed him and got up. Of course DD was up immediately after, since her brother was tearing up and down the hallway outside her room. Ack. And I could not get my coffee fix immediately, being on the last day of antibiotics for a UTI, and said antibiotics being taken at 6:30 meant I could have NO DAIRY until 8:30, which meant NO COFFEE! WAH!!! I broken down at 7:45, and figured well a little milk in coffee isn't going to have THAT big of an impact on the meds, you know...

So, I managed to empty all the Easter eggs from the egg hunt at church yesterday (yes I know it was not Easter Sunday but they do the eggs on Palm Sunday so you can spend EASTER Sunday with your family at home), with both children none the wiser. Candy has been hidden away to be doled out at appropriate intervals, and now we just have to repeat the whole exercise on Sunday, which is actually Easter, at the neighborhood egg hunt. I did give DD some peanut M&Ms for breakfast (hey peanuts are protein so that counts as a nutritious breakfast, right? Right?) and have managed to studiously avoid putting the dishwasher on, as it means dealing with the hellacious pile of dirty dishes in the sink. Ah, the joys of a Sunday evening Costco dinner.

I finally put DS down for a nap in the hope that he will wake up in a better mood. We are going swimming today with our neighbor and their kids, so he really needs to get over the Grumpypants mood. While he nursed himself to oblivion, I contemplated the wide variety of toys in his room that require plastic balls, and how much of a PITA they are, as each toy has a slightly different size and weight of plastic ball, and thus it makes it impossible to get them all mixed up and still have the toys work properly. The ball blast toy requires balls that are slightly larger than the ball popper toy, and if you confuse the two neither will work properly. Then you add in DD's Lil People toys with plastic balls, like the pirate ship cannon ball, and the other cheapy plastic balls from fast food toys and dollar stores, and you see how easily kids can mix them all up so that nothing works and balls get stuck in toys they were never intended for. DD decided the ball blast was the PERFECT corkscrew slide for Weebles, and of course the Weebles got stuck in the bottom. Did I mention that most of these toys are designed for little hands, not Mommy and Daddy sized hands that get stuck when trying to fish out stuck pieces from other toy sets that were never intended to meet? You just wish the toy manufacturers would think about these types of things and set some sort of standard, but I guess when they can't even keep toxic lead out of toys it's a bit much to ask for logical and parent-oriented design at this stage.

After putting DS down, I determined to find the sippy cup of chocolate milk before I found it with my nose in a few days' time. I retraced his footsteps, checking his sister's room, checking all the shoes by the back door to be sure he didn't put it in one of those, checking the toy baskets, checking the dishwasher. Nope. Then I remembered that he was rummaging in a kitchen cupboard, and lo and behold, the missing cup! Still cold, too, so I put it back in the fridge for later. A tiny victory for my day. And there you have it, the ramblings of my not-enough-coffee-saturated mind early in the morning. Bet you're sorry you came over today. *LOL*


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