Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Poopy Day

Well, you'd think it was enough that my house is a disaster zone still waiting for FEMA, and that the children were tormenting the bird with their Easter balloons earlier. And that I'm out of dryer sheets and have yet to do my Bible study homework, again. And have been massaging yet another family drama due to the parents' impending visit. Nope, that wasn't enough sucky stuff--I got a speeding ticket today on my way to drop DD off at school.

Now I'm not going to tell you I wasn't speeding, because I was. I'm not going to whine and say I didn't deserve the ticket, because I was doing 48 mph in a 35 mph zone and my inattention is now going to cost us $133. Ouch. I am going to tell you that it sucks just a little bit that I had just turned onto the road in question, had stomped on the accelerator because I was a bit annoyed with DD's antics about finally getting into the car, and feared she would be late for school and her Easter party. And my friends, with a V6 stomping on the accelerator does produce instant results, to the tune of accelerating by 20 mph within about 2 seconds...which, by the way, is about when I saw the police car less than 1/4 of a mile down the road, with radar gun poised in my direction. Oh, bugger! It does not matter that I was on the road for less than 1/3 of a mile, or that I slowed down right away--that little gun beeped at 48 mph and that was that. $#%@!!!!

It did not improve my mood to have DD asking questions about the whole thing from her second row seat of the whole affair. I had to be frank and admit that Mommy was being naughty and the police officer was doing his job and reminding Mommy that she shouldn't go so fast. DD accepted the explanation with aplomb and mercifully sat quietly while I produced the requisite proof of insurance, driver's license, and registration.

I found out that my insurance company's latest version of our insurance card with a non-specific expiration date does not make police officers happy. Great. So now I have to call my insurance company and complain about that, along with the fact that even though we moved to this state TWO YEARS AGO they continue to send us insurance cards with our former state of residence on them. Good times, explaining that one. And it miffed me more than a little bit that the police officer said, "Well I use Acme Insurance too and I've never in sixteen years seen a card like this...I might have to call them to ask about it." I did not say what I was thinking, which was Well officer if you want to do that go right ahead, all I do is cut out the insurance card they send me and put it in my car. I don't know why they changed it so don't blame me! Because, as we all know, we are all completely familiar with what the exact specifications for information on insurance cards is in each and every state! Grrrr.

Anyway, I was polite and he was polite and I got my little green ticket and found out that no, they do not offer driver's education here so at least that is one thing removed from a future Saturday appointment. Instead I will have to mail in my check for $133 and deal with the black mark on my driving record, which for all I know could remain there permanently, not falling off like it would in other states after a set period of time. So now I can go research that little tidbit for future reference, while I continue eating Trader Joe's mini peanut butter cups and drinking Diet Coke. That counts as a nutritious lunch, right? At least DS has gone down for his nap like a good boy...oh wait. *eye twitch* And the person I'm really mad at is myself, for stomping on the accelerator because yet again I let DD's antics get under my skin, and I couldn't exercise just that tiny bit of distancing required for good self-control. Self-reflection is always harshest when you've got so many mirrors held up for you. Yep, a poopy day around here!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Oh no $133 that's never nice. You're not alone though those 3 year olds can rub anyone up the wrong way.