Friday, August 22, 2008

Tag, I'm It

Here are the directions:

1. Link back to the person who tagged you

2. Mention the rules on your blog

3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours

4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them

5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

6 unspectacular quirks:

1. I am a messy tooth brusher. I get toothpaste all over my face & dripping down my chin into the sink. Sad but true.

2. I prefer arranging fake flowers to arranging real ones. Yeah, real ones are nice and look great for a few days, but faux flowers look good for a lot longer, and they stay exactly where you put them. They are also less messy. And if you like an arrangement, you can have it out for as long as you like!

3. I cannot bring myself to do food composting. I know it is resourceful and makes really good compost, but I have a hard enough time keeping my trashcan and diaper pail from being smelly. Could I really handle even a small container of food scraps for the compost pile? I don't think so.

4. I subscribe to the newspaper but rarely actually read it. It gets used for cage lining and as weed barrier in the garden. In fact I am thinking about cancelling the subscription because I have enough saved newspaper to last us for a while.

5. I hate killing tree seedlings, even though I live in a part of the country where they are really weeds. We have tons of tree seedlings that start themselves in my garden every year, and I feel like I am murdering a tree when I pull them up. I try to transplant some but really, they are prolific and I just need to get over it. Thank you public schools for the overzealous earth/environment indoctrination!

6. I can't bring myself to part with old junk if it's old family junk. I have some butt-ugly vases from my great aunt's house that I should have sold or given away long, long ago, but I just can't bring myself to do it. But they are from Aunt X's house! I say to myself every time I think about it. I can't get rid of THOSE! Yeah, I can. I just have to get past the whole family connection thing, seeing as they are just sitting in my cottage, out of sight, and never to be used.

I will spare you further tagging, those of you who blog. I consider my duty done.

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