Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Whirlwind

I'm beginning to hate Thursdays.

Not only is it a school day for DD, but it is also the day before I teach, the day of my women's Bible study, and the day after my systematic theology study. As such, I have to feed my children earlier than usual, which compresses my morning, then drive DD to school, then attempt to get some productive grading, teaching prep, or Bible study homework done in about a scant amount of time while DS naps, trek to pick up DD (usually with a cranky DS, whose nap has been interrupted), attempt to persuade DD to take a nap (successful about 50% of the time), and then make some semblance of a meal for the whole family to eat the second DH walks in the door so that I can leave on time for Bible study.

Sounds like fun, doesn't it? And throw into the mix any of a number of monkey wrenches, and you have a day that is depressingly like Mondays for most people, only worse, because you still have another day to get through until the longed-for weekend. At least with Monday you are just coming off a weekend, and know the next one is a while away.

As you can probably tell, today has been a day of chaos, mayhem, and general disorderly conduct in this house. I have more lab reports to grade, I have not completed all of my Bible study homework, I have zero prep done for teaching tomorrow, and I have dealt with two cranky children who have refused at various points of the day to take their designated naps. And, my house is a disaster zone. My kitchen is overflowing with recyclables that I am shortly going to burn (not kidding) because my waste management company has not provided me with sufficient bins to recycle it all, and only collects recycling every other week. I am tired of my son getting into the recyclables, even if I have washed them out. My son attempting to gnaw on a washed out milk jug just gives me the heebie-jeebies, and don't even get me started on how many bottles or aluminum cans he's tried to make his playtoy. This makes me cranky.

It also makes me cranky when my daughter sleeps for all of ten minutes in the car on the way home from school, then refuses to go back to sleep and instead transforms her room into the aftermath of Hurricane Rita, with toys all over. And I haven't mentioned the blow out diapers. Or shrieking bird. Or the dirty dishes waiting to be put away, because my son can't stay away from the dishwasher for TEN MINUTES so that I can get it emptied and then refilled. Talk about the creeps--my son trying to chomp down on a dirty utensil or dish, or better still, attempting to lick the Jet Dry dispenser!

So I am fleeing my home, people. My DH is home and I am abandoning the fort in search of a quiet fast-ish food place to eat my dinner alone and attempt to finish my homework before attending my Bible study. Hopefully some of the above will be sorted by the time I return home. Ugh. What a day.

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