Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Nesting Bug Has Struck!

My husband knew it was pretty serious when I was cleaning our bedroom at 10 o'clock at night. Yes, I had started earlier in the day, but I just could not leave it to finish until the next day. Could not do it, people!! I just HAD to have a clean bedroom to sleep in. So he pitched in, cleaning his side of the bed (his table & corner shelf etagere thingy) while I cleaned mine. I gave away BOOKS. Seriously. A big bag of books, shipped off to Goodwill. The books tumbling off my nightstand table were put away on an actual bookshelf. I KNOW!!! I even dusted and rearranged my knick-knacks to my satisfaction. I actually want to bring in MORE knick-knacks (from the living room, not new ones) because it looks so nice all clean and tidy. It is a sickness.

The next day I vacuumed the whole house. The whole house! Even my laundry room, and the bathrooms. And I put away more linens in the linen closet. The box of table linens that has been in our bedroom for a year? It's all put away! I have rediscovered tablecloths that I forgot I had, and discovered some hand-me-down tablecloths from my great aunt. I actually remember her buying some of them in Hong Kong in 1986.

It's quite nice to have some decluttering done and a house that would not embarrass me if my parents were to arrive tomorrow (not happening until next week). Even the kids are staying out of my way--it's like there is a strange vibe around Mommy and they dare not interfere with my cleaning rituals. Today I mopped the dining room and living room. I need to keep going, but the water was dirty and frankly I do need to be mindful of how much energy I actually have. Of course I have to be amused by the dog, who is alternately bemused and terrified of our vacuum cleaner and will run up to cautiously sniff when it is off and run away with her tail between her legs when I turn it on. Hehe. It's funny.

Don't get me wrong, my house is definitely not Martha Stewart organized or clean. There is still an ample coating of dust on the piano and assorted knick-knacks (which is why I haven't brought any into my room, natch). And I'm sure my baseboards and walls and cupboards in the kitchen & bathrooms could use a good clean with Mr. Magic Eraser. Nonetheless, it is acceptable and would merit the label decently clean from a stranger passing by. And well, that is a significant improvement! I have to continue this decluttering urge as long as it lasts. DH is getting into the act, too--a dump run is planned to get rid of the remodel debris that lingers in the yard and back deck. Yippee! I can't wait to see all of that gone, too.

The hormones & I, we are a'cleaning. It's a good thing.

1 comment:

Stan said...

It's just funny reading this after the "Schmorganization" piece. ;)